Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Festivities

The holidays are here! It has been so great to go through these fun times as a married couple.  Geoff and I had an awesome first Thanksgiving together. It was one I'll never forget! I really just felt SO grateful for everything around me.    Geoff welcomed the small break from school and was able to relax for a little before his homestretch to finals.  He is currently  in 'go mode' right now with studying.  All day, everyday... Until December 17th.    I wish I could help him with all of the things he has to learn for school….  Man, he is a trooper!  I love him for all of his hard work and effort.  I am working part time (some weeks, almost full time)  as a NURSE! I love it! It's taken me a little while to get used to the facility that I am at, but it's a great first job for me as a new graduate.  I deal with tons of medications, so I am getting more good knowledge on that aspect of nursing.  Other than my new job, I don't feel like there is a lot to update on! We are pretty simple folks these days… But as far as Thanksgiving goes,  we spent Thanksgiving morning and afternoon with my family, then later that evening went to see Hugo with Geoff's family. We went back to his grandmothers house for pie and dessert after the movie.  I ate way to much pie, rationalizing that it would be my fuel to power me through the midnight madness of Black Friday. I was talking it up to Geoff's family, the whole experience of going to jam packed stores at midnight and four in the morning---but it turned out I didn't even go--such a hypocrite!  I got home to our apartment in SLC and just couldn't muster the strength to drive all the way back to my mom's house to do the late night shopping.  Luckily, during the day I was able to knock quite a bit off my gift lists.  Geoff might not have any surprises seeing that I am horrible at keeping secrets!!! This has got to change for next year.  Hope everyone is also having a wonderful holiday season!! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2 Months!!

Welcome Fall! Stay for a while, pleease.

September flew by, I can't believe we are already through the first week of October, just about. As of today, Geoff and I have been married for two whole months!!! Yes, time flies! It has absolutely been the BEST two months. While I finished up studying for my nursing boards, Geoff only begins his study of dentistry. He's a very dedicated studier-- WAY better than I was or ever will be. But in the midst of all the study, study business-- we are having so much fun together. Just living in the same house, let alone, is awesome.

Here are some recent highlights:

-Geoff and I got to the BYU v. Utah game (Thanks to Geoff's kind parents)

- I passed my NCLEX-RN exam

- The night before my boards, Geoff took me out to sushi.

-General Conference

- Hung out with my mom while the boys were at Preisthood Session. We had sushi :)

- Went on a fun double date with some good friends, Brooke and Andy.

- Found out that Marshalls opened in Farmington

-Curled up with beautiful quilts we got as wedding gifts

- Made some yummy pizza

- I started my job hunt

- Geoff did really great on his first round of dental exams

The only "con" I can really think of right now is that Geoff discovered a cockroach in our apartment.
Did you just get the shivvers, too?
Geoff got up in the middle of the night to get someting from the kitchen, maybe a glass of water or something.... I kind of heard him get out of bed so I was somewhat awake. Anyway, moments after he got out of bed I hear this girly scream followed by all sorts of ruckus coming from the kitchen. I call out, "Is everything okay!?"
Then, I see Geoff racing down the hallway holding a paper grocery bag an arms length away from his body, followed by a flush.I couldn't help be totally disguested, but it was kinda funny.

Ope, Here's Geoff now!

To preserve my manhood, I feel like a must clarify.... This is what really happened:
So yes, I got out of bed in the middle of the night for a drink of water (this is where the story changes). I walked into the kitchen, flipped on the light, and then stumbled across the kitchen to get to the sink. It was only then when I peripherally noticed this big black silver-dollar sized thing with freakishly long antennas motor its way across the kitchen floor right in front of my feet (they're crazy fast creatures). So yes, I might have let out an "uh!" But it was definitely more of a grunt than a "girly scream". But hey, who wouldn't let out some sort of noise during such a situation?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First Post

    September 11th, 2011
    So today is the tenth anniversary of September 11th, 2001. I remember exactly where I was upon hearing the news…I had just put my backpack on, ready to head out the door for another day of 6th grade at Union Middle. Just before walking out, my parents came up to me and told me the news. As the day spanned, I began to comprehend what it all meant. I'm sure we all remember where we were. Despite all that happened I think we all can say America is a wonderful and resilient country! I'm happy to live in the land of the FREE, and I'm grateful for those who have sacrificed to make it th
    at way. :)

    So, of course, being newly married and wanting to have a place to jot down all the fun and exciting things that me and Geoff are up to, I have naturally ended up here! Blogspot! I really can't believe how time flies….I remember being engaged to Geoff, thinking that they day would never come that we'd actually be married. But it did, and it was a joyous day!!!! We were married in the Salt Lake Temple, August 6th, 2011--BEST day ever. It was so great to be surrounded by everyone Geoff and I love, family and friends. Everything about the wedding was really a fairytale… I couldn’t have had a better feeling that day. Geoff is so sweet and took me to Maui for our honeymoon, that was a fairytale too. … We had so much fun there as we hung out on the beach, paddle-boarded, explored bamboo forests, saw waterfalls, ate delicious meals, and enjoyed the breezy island style. Maui is so NOT overrated.

    Lunch on the beach-front!

    Geoff enjoying a good read!

View from the room

    Geoff looking good on the paddle board.

Another great day on the beach!

Pretty waterfall.

    Handsome Geoff in the bamboo forrest!

Last night in Maui ;(
    Maui's Marriott Oceanside have the best pools!

    So post honeymoon, the fairytale continues back here in the SLC. We have a great little apartment that is so close to everything wonderful here in Salt Lake. Geoff is close to the U of U, there are great food joints, the beautiful Salt Lake Temple is a short walk away from my doorstep, and once I have my RN license, there are a plethora of hospitals right in the neighborhood that will hopefully hire me!! Geoff, as in the day we got back from our honeymoon, started dental school. ( We don't waste time around here…...). He is doing SO good, and working really hard. I'm in awe of his dedication. He sure is a good example to me, as I am studying for my NCLEX. Geoff is so great to live with--- he is always making me laugh and doing sweet things for me. I love being his wife!
    This week we……
  1. Welcomed the Labor Day holiday by going out to breakfast with the Grants, then went on a fun hike to Cecret Lake
  2. Watched bits of the U.S Open throughout the week
  3. Studied…..a lot ( mostly Geoff)
  4. Went on Pinterest a lot…found lots of yummy recipes, found the fall boots of my dreams (Hilary)
  5. Enjoyed Saturday evening with my parents at Settebello's Pizzeria (HIGHLY recommend this place)
  6. Enjoyed Stake Conference at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square
  7. Was approved to take my NLCEX-RN exam.